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          Ningbo Thaile Chemical Hotline:+86-574-87496391/+86-18967845674
          Current Position : Home Page > Products > Water Fast Test > Water Test Kit > pH6.8-8.2 Test Reagent

          pH6.8-8.2 Test Reagent

          pH6.8-8.2 Test Reagent
          • pH6.8-8.2 Test Reagent
          • Product Details:
          • Product Name: pH6.8-8.2 Test Reagent
          • Product Model: WTR-pH-1
          • Hits: 96

          Product Description

          Background:There are usually two ways of determining pH value, which have been used for years: one is to use pH test strips, the other is to use pH testers. The former is of lower precision, greater error and unreliable result, and especially incapable in testing weak buffer solutions and acid or alkaline solutions which are of excessively low concentration. Although the latter is more accurate, the apparatus involved are expensive, with complicated and demanding operation, making testing process inconvenient. The researchers of Ningbo Thaile Chemical Technology Co.,Ltd have after years of  in-depth study , successfully developed  a new pH test kit, under the brand of "Thaile". This kit, by overcoming the drawbacks of the above 2 traditional methods, can achieve better and reliable results with greatly simplified operation and lowered the testing costs.
          Principle: Use a specific high-sensitivity reagents, show a variety of colors under different pH.
          Purpose: Capable of testing any water solutions which in pH 6.8-8.2. Usually it used in on-site rapid testing of  swimming pool ,living water, aquaculture, environmental protection, industrial water etc.
          Features:Accurate, easy to handle, inexpensive, easy to carry.
          Drip 2 drops of the reagent into 5ml of the solution being tested and shake well. Read the pH according to the color change of the solution, against the color chart.
          1. If the water sample appear turbid, filter the sample, or stand the sample until it is clear, then take sample from the upper part, before testing.
          2. Try to compare the colors in bright light.
          3. In case of skin or eye contact of the reagent, just wash it away with water.
          4. After use, please tighten the cap to avoid ineffectiveness. 
          5. Handle with care, it may cause staining.
          Liability: The manufacturer and its authorized reagents are free from any liabilities due to taking by accident of children and misunderstanding or misuse of the users. If result is suspected based on this test, consult an analytical testing laboratory and take the necessary precautions.
          Appearance:red liquid
          Specifications: 10ml
          Standard: QB-TCS-WTR-2011
          Validity: 1 year
          Store: Store in the cool and keep away from children.
          Manufacturer: Ningbo Thaile Chemical Technology Co., Ltd
          Website: http://www.8qqos3p5ki.com    http://nbtlhg.1688.com         

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